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Faculty of Law, Business & Economics

VWL VIII: International Competition Policy – Prof. Dr. Fabian Herweg

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Bachelor / Master Thesis

Students interested in writing their bachelor or master thesis at the Chair of International Competition Policy should have passed one of the courses offered by the chair - ideally a "Hauptseminar". The Chair of International Competition Policy supervises theses dealing with all kinds of topics related to microeconomics: antitrust policy, regulation, contract design, behavioral economics, industrial organization, mechanism design, environmental economics, financial markets, law & economics. The core of the thesis should be a theoretical model (or models) published recently in a highly-ranked economic journal. Potential topics should be discussed with the head of the chair.


Students interested in writing their final project for the WiWiZ program at the chair of ICP should have passed the course "Wettbewerbstheorie und -politik". We expect WiWiZ students to show willingness to deal with simple mathematical models.

Student Seminars

In general, our seminars are theory-based. The goal is to develop a deeper understanding of the (sometimes mathematically complex) models at hand. Seminars cover topics ranging from competition policy and industrial organization to behavioral economics.

In order to pass the seminar, students have to write a term paper and give a presentation on the topic they dealt with in their paper. Please find a guideline on how to write a term paper here:  [german][english]

For those interested in using LaTeX when writing an essay, term paper or thesis, please find an introduction on how to quickly get started below.

LaTeX für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten [german]

Supervised theses from the past

Master theses

  • Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen: Auswirkungen auf das Arbeitsangebot
  • Advertising and Limited-Availability Sales as Devices to Exploit Loss-Averse Consumers
  • Behavior-based price discrimination: Implications for consumer and producer welfare
  • Pricing Strategies and Big Data: Personalized and Dynamic Pricing
  • Consumer Climate Concerns, Regulation and Optimal Product Design
  • Nudging customers towards more sustainable diets: A field experiment
  • Two donors and one patient: The exchange of donors between patients for organ transplantation

Bachelor theses

  • Schutz von Minderheiten in Zuordnungsmechanismen -   Eine Untersuchung von universitären Zulassungssystemen
  • Beeinflussung der Konsumentenentscheidung durch Produktpräsentation am Point of Sale
  • Common Ownership: Kritische Analyse einer Studie zu US-Fluggesellschaften
  • Verhaltensökonomische Maßnahmen im Bereich der gesunden Ernährung
  • Verhaltensökonomische Erklärungsansätze des Wertpapieraufschlagrätsels
  • Wall Street Walk als eine Form des Investorenaktivismus
  • Net neutrality - red tape or beneficial regulation?
  • Subjektive Leistungsbewertung: Die Auswirkungen von voreingenommenen Vorgesetzten auf den Unternehmenserfolg
  • Credit Risk Transfer and Financial Stability
  • Zombieunternehmen
  • An Experimental Study of Single Option Aversion in Online Lead Generation
  • Vertriebsstrategien zur Übervorteilung von verlustaversen Konsumenten
  • Warum Banken scheitern: Eine modelltheoretische Analyse von Zins-, Liquiditäts- und Umweltrisiken
  • Die Auswirkungen von Mietpreisregulierungen


  • Der "more economic approach" in der EU-Fusionskontrolle - Eine kritische Würdigung
  • Bekämpfung von illegalen Preisabsprachen mit Hilfe von Kronzeugenprogrammen

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