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Faculty of Law, Business & Economics

VWL VIII: International Competition Policy – Prof. Dr. Fabian Herweg

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Team > Maximilian Kähny M.Sc.

Maximillian Kähny Maximilian Kähny M.Sc.
Maximillian Kähny

Faculty of Law, Business and Economics
VWL 8 - International Competition Policy

Working Papers:

Do Zombies Rise When Interest Rates Fall? A Relationship Banking Model, with Fabian Herweg, 2022.

Maximillian Kähny

Faculty of Law, Business and Economics
VWL 8 - International Competition Policy

Maximilian Kähny M.Sc.
Reasearch Assistent

Consultation hour: upon appointment 

University of Bayreuth
Faculty of Law, Business and Economics
Building RW II, Room 1.88.3 
Universitaetsstr. 30
95447 Bayreuth

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-6237
E-mail: maximilian.kaehny@uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Maximilian Kähny

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