Team > Prof. Dr. Fabian Herweg
Faculty of Law, Business and Economics
VWL 8 - International Competition Policy
Research Interest
Industrial Organization, Behavioral Economics, Contract Theory, Competition Policy, and (Applied) Microeconomics
Currculum Vitae
Articles in Refereed Journals:
How to Regulate Carbon Emissions with Climate-conscious Consumers, with Klaus M. Schmidt, The Economic Journal, Vol. 132 (648), 2992–3019, 2022.
Multi-attribute Heuristics and Intertemporal Choices, with Philipp Weinschenk, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 200, 174–181, 2022.
Salience Bias and Overwork, with Fabio Römeis and Daniel Müller, Games, Vol. 13(1), Art. 15, 2022.
A Comparison of Regret Theory and Salience Theory for Decisions under Risk, with Daniel Müller, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 193, Art.-No. 105226, April 2021.
Overlapping Efforts in the EU Emissions Trading System, Economics Letters, Vol. 193, Art.-No. 109323, 2020.
Context-Dependent Preferences and Retailing: Vertical Restraints on Internet Sales, with Magdalena Helfrich, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Vol. 87, Art.-No. 101556, 2020.
Bayesian Implementation and Rent Extraction in a Multi-Dimensional Procurement Problem, with Klaus M. Schmidt, International Journal of Industrial Organization, (Conference Proceedings of EARIE 2018), Vol. 70, Art.-No. 102521, 2020.
Procurement with Unforeseen Contingencies, with Klaus M. Schmidt, Management Science, Vol. 66, 1783-2290, 2020.
Bait and Ditch: Consumer Naïvité and Salesforce Incentives, with Antonio Rosato, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 29(1), 97-121, 2020.
Optimal Cost Overruns: Procurement Auctions with Renegotiation, with Marco A. Schwarz, International Economic Review, Vol. 59 (4), 1995-2021, 2018.
Incomplete Contracting, Renegotiation, and Expectation-Based Loss Aversion, with Heiko Karle and Daniel Müller, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 145, 176-201, 2018.
Auctions vs. Negotiations: The Effects of Inefficient Renegotiation, with Klaus M. Schmidt, RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 48 (3), 647-672, 2017.
Salience, Competition, and Decoy Goods, with Daniel Müller and Philipp Weinschenk, Economics Letters, Vol. 153, 28-31, 2017. (Supplementary Material)
Fighting Collusion by Permitting Price Discrimination, with Magdalena Helfrich, Economics Letters, Vol. 145, 148-151, 2016. (Supplementary Material)
Discriminatory Nonlinear Pricing, Fixed Costs, and Welfare in Intermediate-Goods Markets, with Daniel Müller, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 46, 107-136, 2016. (Supplementary Material)
Overconfidence in the Market for Lemons, with Daniel Müller, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 118 (2), 354-371, 2016.
Loss Aversion and Inefficient Renegotiation, with Klaus M. Schmidt, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 82 (1), 297-332, 2015.
Price Discrimination in Input Markets: Quantity Discounts and Private Information, with Daniel Müller, Economic Journal, Vol. 124 (577), 776–804, 2014. (Press Release, VOXeu, Short Film)
The Expectation-Based Loss-Averse Newsvendor, Economics Letters, Vol. 120 (3), 429-432, 2013. (Longer Working Paper Version)
Uncertain Demand, Consumer Loss Aversion, and Flat-Rate Tariffs, with Konrad Mierendorff, Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 11 (2), 399-432, 2013. (Supplementary Material)
Price Discrimination in Input Markets: Downstream Entry and Efficiency, with Daniel Müller, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 21 (3), 771-797, 2012. (Supplementary Material)
Relaxing Competition Through Quality Differentiation and Price Discrimination, Journal of Economics, Vol. 106 (1), 1-26, 2012.
Performance of Procrastinators: On the Value of Deadlines, with Daniel Müller, Theory and Decision, Vol. 70, 329-366, 2011.
Binary Payment Schemes: Moral Hazard and Loss Aversion, with Daniel Müller and Philipp Weinschenk, American Economic Review, Vol. 100 (5), 2451-2477, 2010. (Supplementary Material)
Non-Refereed Publications:
Regulierungsmöglichkeiten der Verlegerbeteiligung aus ökonomischer Sicht, ZUM - Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht, Heft 2, 2020.
Issue Advocacy and Mass Political Sophistication, Comment on Hafer and Landa, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Vol. 169 (1), 153-156, 2013.
Herweg, F., Müller, D., Weinschenk, P. 2018, ‘Salience in markets’, in V. J. Tremblay, E. Schroeder, C. H. Tremblay (eds), Handbook of Behavioral Industrial Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Celtenham/Massachusetts, pp. 75-113.
Book Review Bounded Rationality and Industrial Organization. By Ran Spiegler, with Daniel Müller, Economica, Vol. 80 (319), 614-615, 2013.
Working Papers:
Adoption of Green Technologies with Financial Frictions, 2024.
Axiom Preferences and Choice Mistakes under Risk, with Svenja Hippel, Daniel Müller and Fabio Römeis, 2024.
Do Zombies Rise When Interest Rates Fall? A Relationship Banking Model, with Maximilian Kähny, 2022.
Work in Progress:
Regret Theory and Decoy Effects, with Daniel Müller, Asri Özgemüs, and Fabio Römeis.
(Dis-)Appearance of Cyclical Choices: An Experimental Test of Intransitive Theories for Choice under Risk, with Svenja Hippel, Daniel Müller, and Fabio Römeis.
Faculty of Law, Business and Economics
VWL 8 - International Competition Policy
Prof. Dr. Fabian Herweg
Head of Chair
Consultation hour: Wednesday 2 - 4 p.m. (appointment via email required)
University of Bayreuth
Faculty of Law, Business and Economics
Building RW II, Room 1.88.1
Universitaetsstr. 30
95447 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-6227